Planning for your future 10 study tips to help you succeed

10 study tips to help you succeed

#1. Manage your time

Time management is important for exam success AND mental health. Creating your own personal study timetable will save you from last minute cramming, stress and panic!

Use your study timetable and a monthly calendar as a planner, noting all of your upcoming assessments and exams, and allocate time to prepare for the tasks. When it comes to exams, the earlier you start revising and studying, the better.

Another helpful time management tool is the ‘to do list’. First you write everything you need to do on a notebook or word document, then number the items from things that need to be done immediately to things that can wait a little while. Pick the top 5 items and work on getting them done first. Then repeat the same cycle the following day, until all items are completed.

#2. Set your goals

Identify what you need to achieve and how you are going to achieve it, then work out how much time you need to reach your goals.

Find that spark of motivation to keep you working through your high school journey. It’s really important to remember the bigger picture of why you are studying and what you hope to do when you’ve finished school. Create an inspiration board and place photos of your goal on the wall next to where you study so you can visualise your dreams.

#3. Get a good night’s sleep

Turn off your phone (yes turn it off!), put away the laptop and aim for 8 to 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep. There is a big temptation to cram and study late into the night but research shows that lack of sleep affects concentration, memory and your mental health. A good night’s sleep will ensure that you are refreshed for the next day, and that you can tackle whatever tasks come your way.

#4. Stay motivated and be confident

There can be times when you are studying for an exam where you may get deflated if you don’t understand a topic or don’t remember something. The best thing you can do is start your revision for your exams early and go over things over and over again. Slow and steady wins the race. 40 minutes a week revising a subject will add up over two years!

One great tip is to write down maths formulas on a piece of paper and stick them up where you brush your teeth every day. Seeing these formulas regularly if only for a couple of minutes helps you to remember them better when you sit the exam!

#5. Avoid distraction

Overcome the temptation to go on your phone for hours scrolling mindlessly. A top tip is to bring a bowl with some snacks to your desk so you don’t have to keep getting up and disrupting your flow. Make a plan of attack and cut out the ways you procrastinate (waste time). You’ll be amazed how much work you can get done and how on top of things you’ll feel.

#6. Make the most of your teachers

Your teachers want you to succeed and are happy to help you out. If you don't understand something when you are studying, ask them.

Teachers are one of your best assets and are there to help you reach the goals you set for yourself. Remember your teachers are there to help you and they will be delighted when you ask questions.

Teachers want you to succeed. Use them!

#7. Teamwork makes the dream work

Plan a study session with a friend or form a study group with some classmates. Bounce ideas off each other, compare notes, explain concepts and ask each other questions.

Remember not to compare yourself to others. Everyone is unique. Trying your hardest, and giving exams your best shot will be enough.

#8. Study hard, but also play hard

It’s important whilst studying to maintain a balanced lifestyle. Give yourself time to relax and enjoy life. All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy as the adage goes. Relaxation time might be spent playing sports, practicing a musical instrument, or simply watching Netflix and chilling with some friends. Take time to unwind and reward yourself for your efforts.

You could study for 50 minutes then have a 10 minute break, or you may set yourself a goal to study for two hours then have half an hour off to watch your favourite TV show. Longer term you could treat yourself with day off to relax and do something you love after every two weeks of intense study.

Top tip, always put the reward at the end of the allotted time not before.

#9. Learn from your mistakes

Realise and understand the methods that did not work so great for you in the past and try things differently next time. Nobody is perfect and sometimes the best way to learn is through your mistakes. Check out this quote by Thomas Edison who invented the light bulb - "I never failed. I just found 10,000 ways that didn't work."

Take the feedback you have been given on board and learn from that.

#10. Have fun

Be grateful for being given the amazing opportunity to learn. Twelve years of school is tough, but with a positive mindset and a great support network, we guarantee you can achieve anything you want and create your own future.