ࡱ>   C -bjbjff HhhL<ZZZZZ4h P~#D%"%%%&:)*FOHOHOHOHOHOHO$SVlOZ+&&++lOZZ%%}P2888+^Z%Z%FO8+FO88IDK%[~,+DJ2OP<PXJ=W.=W(DKJK=WZ2M++8+++++lOlO3+++P++++=W+++++++++X : COC-Proposal Template Confirmation of Candidature Proposal Template This document assists candidates to prepare the text for their Confirmation of Candidature Research Proposal. It is NOT intended to guide you in developing the content, but to assist you in formatting the work, in terms of text layout, section headings and sub-sections. The proposal must be developed with your Advisory Panel. The length of the document will vary depending on your discipline and project but will be no less than 5 pages and no more than 20 excluding references and appendices. The first version of the project proposal is to be sent via your primary advisor for external review. Once reviewer comments are addressed, the final version approved by your Advisory Panel is to be attached to the COC-Assessment Form and submitted via your Primary Advisor for approval. How to use this template: The template provides ALL the sections, headings and subheadings that you will require in your proposal, as well as the line and paragraph spacing, page breaks, page numbering, referencing system and referencing styles. You should edit the text where appropriate and insert your own text by typing into the document. There is no need to change the styles for the headings or subheadings, and the three level headings (i.e. A main heading, a sub-heading and a sub-sub-heading) are set up to feed directly into the table of contents. When you finish typing, return to the Contents Page, place your cursor on the greyed out section, right click with the mouse, and select Update entire table WHEN YOUR PROPOSAL IS COMPLETE, DELETE THIS FRONT INSTRUCTION PAGE Confirmation of candidature Type the title of your project here STUDENT NAME: Type your name here STUDENT NUMBER: Enter your student number Advisory Panel: Type your Advisory Panel members names here CONTENTS  TOC \o "1-3" \u Project Summary  PAGEREF _Toc26190900 \h 5 Background, Significance and objectives of your Research (Heading 1) 1,000-2,500 words  PAGEREF _Toc26190901 \h 6 Background (Heading 2)  PAGEREF _Toc26190902 \h 6 Referencing (Heading 3)  PAGEREF _Toc26190903 \h 7 Project Method 1,000-2,000 words  PAGEREF _Toc26190904 \h 8 Including project design, data collection and proposed analyses  PAGEREF _Toc26190905 \h 8 Project ConStraints  PAGEREF _Toc26190906 \h 9 Are there any?  PAGEREF _Toc26190907 \h 9 RESULTS to date up to 1,000 words or 3 pages  PAGEREF _Toc26190908 \h 10 This is section is not essential  PAGEREF _Toc26190909 \h 10 Project Work Plan - 1 2 Pages  PAGEREF _Toc26190910 \h 11 Your research plan  PAGEREF _Toc26190911 \h 11 Thesis outline  PAGEREF _Toc26190912 \h 12 Outline of proposed Thesis Chapters and Publications  PAGEREF _Toc26190913 \h 12 Research Planning and Compliance requirements  PAGEREF _Toc26190914 \h 13 Data Management  PAGEREF _Toc26190915 \h 13 Ethics  PAGEREF _Toc26190916 \h 13 Project Budget (Compulsory requirement for Division of Tropical Health and Medicine)  PAGEREF _Toc26190917 \h 13 Risk Management  PAGEREF _Toc26190918 \h 13 Intellectual Property  PAGEREF _Toc26190919 \h 13 You may delete any of the sections below not relevant to your project  PAGEREF _Toc26190920 \h 14 Indigenous peoples and matters  PAGEREF _Toc26190921 \h 14 Off campus requirements  PAGEREF _Toc26190922 \h 14 Health and Safety  PAGEREF _Toc26190923 \h 14 Permits and Permissions associated with Data Collection  PAGEREF _Toc26190924 \h 14 Other considerations  PAGEREF _Toc26190925 \h 15 Grant funding  PAGEREF _Toc26190926 \h 15 REFERENCES  PAGEREF _Toc26190927 \h 16 Appendices  PAGEREF _Toc26190928 \h 17 Appendix 2: Response to Expert Reviewers Report  PAGEREF _Toc26190930 \h 17 Appendix 3: Budget  PAGEREF _Toc26190931 \h 19  Project Summary Project Summary (Maximum 100 words) Describe in plain English what you are proposing to do and why. The project summary should be written in a manner that is accessible to any intelligent reader. Background, Significance and objectives of your Research (Heading 1) 1,000-2,500 words (Heading 1 from the selection above for your main heading, use all caps, do not use anything else as the table of contents has been automated to use this setting) Background (Heading 2) (Use Heading 2 from the selection of styles on the menu bar above. Do NOT use all capitals, but write as is shown above. Do not use anything else as the Table of Contents has been automated to include this style for a subheading.) This section should provide the critical argument that underpins the objectives of your research by addressing these questions: What is the scholarly context or theoretical background of the problem you are studying? Where are the knowledge gaps and why are they important? How will your work extend and add to the work that has been published already? What are your research questions/aims and objectives/hypotheses? For PhDs with creative works/non-traditional research outputs: What is the body of knowledge to which your creative work will bring insight? Why is this practice and scholarship significant? What theory or scholarship will you draw on to understand your creative work/processes and/or to situate your work in a wider community of creative practice? How do the research questions inform the creative practice? For PhDs using arts-based research methods in social science or related humanities research, it is less important to reflect on your work in relation to a community of arts practice. Instead you must explain how and why art as mode of enquiry will further your research, noting how particular aesthetic and expressive modes that reach beyond the conventions of academic writing will allow for new kinds of approaches to, and insights into, the topic under investigation. The language of project proposals differs across disciplines. Some proposals may use research questions, some use aims (or goals) and objectives, others use hypotheses. Use the vocabulary that is accepted in your discipline. Consult with your Advisory Panel. The objectives form the basis for the activities of the project and also serve as the basis for evaluating the project at your Confirmation of Candidature. Referencing (Heading 3) (Use Heading 3 from the selection of styles on the menu bar above. Do NOT use all capitals, but write as is shown above. Do not use anything else as the Table of Contents has been automated to include this style for a sub-subheading) Project Method 1,000-2,000 words Including project design, data collection and proposed analyses Methodology may vary greatly between disciplines. You should work closely with your Advisory Panel to develop the methodologies appropriate to your project What approaches will you use to address each of the objectives/research questions/hypotheses you have identified? Explain the reasons why you have selected these methodologies. How will you collect your data or research materials? If you are not going to collect new data, what data sources will you use? How do you propose to analyse your data and/or critically reflect upon and interpret your research materials? What software will you use? Why have you chosen this methodology? Provide sufficient detail for the reader to understand the research strategy, process or creative work, and approach to be taken. For PhDs with creative work/non-traditional research output: How will you produce your creative work informed by research/theory and why? How will you reflect on your creative work/processes and/or critically reflect and interpret its relationship to theory/scholarship/knowledge? These aspects will evolve during your candidature but it is important to think them through at this stage. Ensure this information is captured in the Research Data Management Plan (RDMP) in Research Data °ϲʹ. Project ConStraints Are there any? Are there any constraints to your approach that have been stipulated by a funding source or contract, or any other reason? If so, please note them in this section. This may include an embargo on publication of any work stipulated in your scholarship or intellectual property agreement. RESULTS to date up to 1,000 words or 3 pages This is section is not essential If you have already made progress with your project and have results, please summarise them. Include figures and tables where appropriate. You are welcome to include any published papers as an appendix. Project Work Plan - 1 2 Pages Your research plan A Gantt chart or timeline is the recommended format for your project work plan. The plan should be most detailed for the first year of candidature. Details for subsequent years can be added in each of your Progress Reports. Your research plan should be designed to enable you to complete your work within 3.5 years from commencement (full-time Doctorate or 7 years part time) or 21 months (full-time Masters by Research or 3.5 years part time). Planning for a candidature period that is shorter than your stipend scholarship period provides both an incentive for timely completion and a buffer against the unexpected. As appropriate, your plan should include time points related to HDR candidature milestones, experiments, studies, fieldwork, research communication, research methods courses, laboratory safety courses, research ethics, the development of the creative work, professional development and other approvals, skills training, analysing your data, writing your thesis and preparing your publications and/or creative work. For laboratory-based theses, you need to indicate the approach to be taken and the likely sequence of experiments. Thesis outline Outline of proposed Thesis Chapters and Publications Provide an outline for the chapter structure of your thesis. Where you are proposing publications you may wish to add details of these in an additional column. The structure is likely to change and can be updated in each subsequent Progress Report. Add rows to the following table if required. After discussion with your Advisory Panel, select and complete the table that suits your proposed thesis type. The table you do not use can be deleted. For a traditional thesis Chapter No.Chapter Title OR For a thesis incorporating publications Chapter No.Chapter TitleProposed Publication Output for this chapter (including authors) Research Planning and Compliance requirements Data Management Confirm that you have discussed Data Management with your Advisory Panel. Note progress to date toward preparation of a Research Data Management Plan associated with your research project, noting any issues or outstanding considerations. Confirm that you have discussed with your Advisory Panel Data Management and have completed a preliminary Research Data Management Plan in Research Data °ϲʹ and will update and refine this plan as the project progresses. & Yes & No & N/A Ethics Confirm that you have discussed Ethics requirements with your Advisory Panel. If appropriate, advise on progress made to date in preparation of an Ethics application associated with your research project, noting any issues or outstanding considerations. & Yes & No & N/A Project Budget Confirm here that you have discussed your budget with your Advisory Panel and that anticipated costs have been considered and can be met. If in discussion exceptional or unfunded costs were identified, confirm that the research design has been revised to resolve this and that this will not delay your candidature. Candidates from the Division of Tropical Health and Medicine are required to include an Appendix containing a detailed budget (e.g., such a budget may itemise equipment, maintenance, travel, training, labour, operating costs etc.). & Yes & No & N/A Risk Management Confirm that you have discussed Risk Management with your Advisory Panel and, if appropriate, have made progress in preparing a risk management plan associated with your research project that notes any issues or outstanding considerations. & Yes & No & N/A Intellectual Property Confirm that you have discussed intellectual property with your Advisory Panel and if you have identified issues associated with your project. If there are issues, confirm that you have either signed an IP agreement or with your advisory panel have resolved any concerns through contact with Research and Innovation Services. & Yes & No & N/A You may delete any of the sections below not relevant to your project Indigenous peoples and matters If your project or its location will specifically involve Indigenous peoples or matters, or there is a high likelihood of incidentally including a significant proportion of Indigenous people within your sample, confirm you have discussed these with your advisory panel and adopted appropriate protocols. Be aware that many types of data collection incidentally include Indigenous peoples in sampling and that you need to ensure your engagement is culturally safe, regardless of your specific project topic. Confirm you have discussed your awareness of and approach to Indigenous peoples rights in research, any activities you have undertaken, and any concerns you may still have. Confirm that you have or will attend any special training such as the Indigenous Research Protocols Workshop, or have engaged an Indigenous reference group, to ensure you are ready to undertake your research project appropriately. & Yes & No Off campus requirements Confirm that for any research work to be conducted off campus, arrangements have been made to facilitate this. For example, you have considered in your risk assessment such issues as vaccination or protection from infectious diseases, specific training or equipment that may be involved in preparing to undertake field work. & Yes & No Health and Safety Confirm that any safety training or laboratory procedures required for your research have been completed or are planned. & Yes & No Permits and Permissions associated with Data Collection Confirm that any permits or permissions required to undertake your research work, have been obtained or are in progress, and permissions and strategies are in place to ensure that meeting these requirements will not delay candidature. For example, if working with children in schools a blue card is required; most research conducted in Marine Parks requires a permit issued jointly by the Marine Park Authority and the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service. & Yes & No Other considerations Grant funding Please be aware of and confirm with your Advisory Panel that any considerations associated with agreements you have signed in obtaining funding from agencies external to JCU are accounted for in your research project planning. You may note any arrangements or considerations here if appropriate. REFERENCES Include here a list of the references used in this document. This may be generated using a reference management tool such as EndNote, Mandalay or BibTex. Check with your Advisory Panel to confirm the referencing style suited to your discipline. °ϲʹ Library website offers resources, training and librarians with referencing and database searching expertise to support your work. Appendix 2: Response to Expert Reviewers Report The Candidate must then use the Expert Reviewers report and their Advisors advice to revise and amend the research proposal prior to submission of the Confirmation of Candidature form. Response to Expert Reviewers ReportSection/s of Original ProposalExpert Reviewers comment or recommendation (copied from report)Candidates responsePage number/s in revised proposal Appendix 3: Budget Provide an estimate of all project costs, taking into consideration the estimated increases in operational costs over the life of the project. Space has been allowed for three years and Doctoral Candidates should aim to complete their data collection well within this period. Masters Candidates should aim to complete their data collection within the first 12-18 months. ItemAmount ($AUD)Basis for estimateFunding sourceIs funding secured?YEAR 1 OF PROJECT (FULL-TIME CANDIDATE) YEARS 1 and 2 (PART-TIME CANDIDATE) Labour costs (e.g. Casual Labour, total hours @ $/hr)& Yes & No & N/AOperating costs (include equipment costing <$1,000 per item)& Yes & No & N/AEquipment costs (include equipment costing >$1,000 per item)& Yes & No & N/AProject travel costs& Yes & No & N/AResearch training cos1:<CDEYZ[efp   U V Z b c j u   y  # Y Z [ s ¼¶Ѷ¼¤¶¼›hmkh+ 5aJmH sH hmkh+ aJmH sH hmkhzaJhmkh .aJhmkh_MaJ h_MaJ h'aJhmkhXtaJ h*5aJhmkh+ aJhh+ 5OJQJ^JaJ h+ 5aJ hXt5aJ hmk5aJ/DEU V Z [ v *+nopqgd+ gd+ gd+ dgd' $da$gdz $da$gd+ dgdXtdgd+ $a$gd+ s v    Q *+0Imnopqr쾷쬨h+ hn$h+ 5;hJPhJP5;hDfhmkh+ OJQJ *hraJ *hmkh+ aJ hJOPVWZcduv꽶IJoR8h hOdP5;CJOJQJ\aJmHnHsH tH u jhOdPUmHnHujhOdPUmHnHuhOdPmHnHuh+ jh+ Uh<h+ 5CJ \]aJ hJP hDf\] hj\]h+ 5\]hL#5\]h+ 5\]aJh<h+ \]aJh<h+ \]h_!h+ 5\] cS,_]b.^9q0^ %  %  % 45NOPQRSlm׺׏~cR׺ jhOdPUmHnHu5h hOdP6CJOJQJ]aJmHnHsH tH u jqhOdPUmHnHu2h hOdP:CJOJQJaJmHnHsH tH u jhOdPUmHnHu8h hOdP5;CJOJQJ\aJmHnHsH tH ujhOdPUmHnHu j{hOdPUmHnHuhOdPmHnHu  '()*+,?@AZ[\]^_mno软聯p_ jhOdPUmHnHu j]hOdPUmHnHu8h hOdP5;CJOJQJ\aJmHnHsH tH u jhOdPUmHnHuh_hOdPmHnHsH u2h hOdP:CJOJQJaJmHnHsH tH u jghOdPUmHnHujhOdPUmHnHuhOdPmHnHu%=>WXY[\]pq׽׏~׽m׏\ j?hOdPUmHnHu jhOdPUmHnHu jIhOdPUmHnHu8h hOdP5;CJOJQJ\aJmHnHsH tH u jhOdPUmHnHu2h hOdP:CJOJQJaJmHnHsH tH ujhOdPUmHnHu jShOdPUmHnHuhOdPmHnHu$BC\]^`abrs ()*,-.~rra j+hOdPUmHnHuh_hOdPmHnHu jhOdPUmHnHu j5hOdPUmHnHu8h hOdP5;CJOJQJ\aJmHnHsH tH u jhOdPUmHnHu2h hOdP:CJOJQJaJmHnHsH tH ujhOdPUmHnHuhOdPmHnHu&.>?XYZ\]^tu345789QRklmopqy j hOdPUmHnHu j hOdPUmHnHu j hOdPUmHnHu j! hOdPUmHnHu2h hOdP:CJOJQJaJmHnHsH tH u jhOdPUmHnHujhOdPUmHnHuhOdPmHnHu,*+,./0>?XYZ\]^ijح؜؋p_ j hOdPUmHnHu5h hOdP6CJOJQJ]aJmHnHsH tH u j~ hOdPUmHnHu j hOdPUmHnHu j hOdPUmHnHu2h hOdP:CJOJQJaJmHnHsH tH uhOdPmHnHujhOdPUmHnHu j hOdPUmHnHu%23456789:;<̭̜̾̾̾̾y̾h̾y`\XXh+ hIjh+ U jjhOdPUmHnHu2h hOdP:CJOJQJaJmHnHsH tH uhImHnHu j hOdPUmHnHu jt hOdPUmHnHujhOdPUmHnHuhOdPmHnHuh_hOdPmHnHsH u8h hOdP5;CJOJQJ\aJmHnHsH tH u"^8;<MNrso)gdL#l"gd'gdDfgdDfgdbl"gdb$a$gdzl"gd+ gd+  gdn$ %  % <=LMNrs !9<NZ[\]nopq)u#rLMN-hDCJOJQJ]^JaJmH nH sH tH hD hzhDhLvhbD hzhzh'hdhDfh /hvqhz5CJOJQJaJhbhzaJhbhz5aJhbh+ aJhzh+ 3#rMN%& !!1""""dgdL#l"gdL#gdL#gd+ gdDfgd gd+ gdDgdL#l" & Fgdn$l"N$%&| !!!!!!!!"0"1"a"""""##$$J$O$%=%&V&W&&&&&'''(')'¾¾ƷƳ hL#h#1 heYh#1h#1hXhL#hL#OJQJ^JaJhL#OJQJ^JaJh , hL#hL#h /hL#h+ hG 5hDfhvqhDfhz h ,h , hzh , hzhz hzhD hUhD3"#$=%V&W&(')'*'+','-'.'/'0'1'2'3'4'5'J'$a$gd/\ gd{~oFRgd/\gd+ gd+ gd#1l"gdL#l" & FgdL#l")'*'+','-'.'/'0'1'2'3'4'5'6'A'B'I'J'X'Y'''''(w(x(y(z({(|(((((((()Y))))ǿ~zv~~~z~oovoz hghL#h /hL#h+ h:[h+ mH sH hL#hL#OJQJ^JaJhbh aJhghL#CJOJQJaJh' hL#hL#h6mH sH hL#mH sH h/\h+ mH sH h/\h{~mH sH h{~h{~mH sH h{~mH sH h+ mH sH *J'Y'x(y(z({(((()))))**@,A,--V.W.$da$gdL#l"gdL#gd+ dgdL#l"gd+ gdL#l"gd+ )))))))))* *****+++ +++ +!+5+9+:+J+O+Q+w+|+~++,@,A,,,----.V.W.X.Y.i.j.k....../C////0000ӼӴӤڠڠh,hL#hL#5OJQJ^JaJhL#hL#5hEhdhI hL#hh hL#hL#h hL#h /h /h /5h /hL#h+ h:[h+ ?W.X.j.k..c0|000 $Ifgd $IfgdgdL#l"gdL#l"gdL#gd+ gd+ 080b0c0{0|000000000000000000000000000000±uhh,5OJQJ^JaJhL#5OJQJ^JaJhh /CJOJQJaJ hh /CJOJPJQJaJhhL#CJOJQJaJ hhL#CJOJPJQJaJhhL#5CJOJQJaJ#hhL#5CJOJPJQJaJhL#hL#5 h 5 hL#hL#h,h "0000e\\ $Ifgdkd$$Ifl0&  t0644 lapyt /0000tkk $Ifgdkd$$Ifl0& t0644 lapyt /0000tkk $IfgdkdI$$Ifl0& t0644 lapyt /0000tkk $Ifgdkd$$Ifl0& t0644 lapyt /0000tkk $Ifgdkd$$Ifl0& t0644 lapyt /0000tkk $Ifgdkd2$$Ifl0& t0644 lapyt /0000tkk $Ifgdkd$$Ifl0& t0644 lapyt /0000tkk $Ifgdkdx$$Ifl0& t0644 lapyt /0000000081tiiZULLL $Ifgd94gdL#$hd^ha$gdL# $da$gdL#kd$$Ifl0& t0644 lapyt /000000001 11#1718191:1;1<1=1>1?1@1A1B1C1D1E1F1G1H1I1J1K1L1M1N1O1P1Q1rrrcrrrcrrrcrrrcrrrcrrrchh CJOJQJaJ hh CJOJPJQJaJhh 5CJOJQJaJhd5CJOJPJQJaJh 5CJOJPJQJaJh65CJOJPJQJaJ#hh 5CJOJPJQJaJ h,5h h 5hL#hL#5OJQJ^JaJhL#h,5OJQJ^JaJ&8191:1;1<1G>>> $Ifgd94kd$$IflFK&Av  t06    44 lapyt <1=1>1?1@1aXXX $Ifgd94kd$$IflFK&Av t06    44 lapyt @1A1B1C1D1aXXX $Ifgd94kdT$$IflFK&Av t06    44 lapyt D1E1F1G1H1aXXX $Ifgd94kd$$IflFK&Av t06    44 lapyt H1I1J1K1L1aXXX $Ifgd94kd$$IflFK&Av t06    44 lapyt L1M1N1O1P1aXXX $Ifgd94kdg$$IflFK&Av t06    44 lapyt P1Q1R1S1T1aXXX $Ifgd94kd$$IflFK&Av t06    44 lapyt Q1R1S1T1U1V1W1X1Y1Z1[111111122.2223d3e344444$4&4444462646@6B6L6N6V6X6v6x667t78¾··¨~Ɗh /hpE5CJaJhpEh)hjhbhbCJhbhbaJhbhbOJQJ^JaJ heYh#1hXh#1hY2H h;_hDfhDfh+ hL#h hh CJOJQJaJ hh CJOJPJQJaJ1T1U1V1W1X1aXXX $Ifgd94kd$$IflFK&Av t06    44 lapyt X1Y1Z1112e3a\WI;;gd#1l"gdDfl"gdDfgdL#kdz$$IflFK&Av t06    44 lapyt e3&44426X6x6c9&:F:(<N<z<?.???CDJDgd,l"gd,l"gdpEl"gdpEl"gdjl"gdjl"gdY2Hl"888'888F8H8R8W8y888888Z9^9c9:::::$:&:0:D:F:::::;;.;@;;;;<(<*<6<8<B<D<L<N<z<<<<===>>>?? 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EQUIPMENT Equipment generally refers to individual items costing more than $1,000 each. Explain why you need each 2 d$Ifgd!24* d$Ifgd!kdo'$$IfTlTr U&B@@@ t0644 lap2ythT d$Ifgd!* d$Ifgd!kdQ($$IfTlTr U&B@@@ t0644 lap2ythT,Jrt Ff|-dgdhFf]* d$Ifgd! Jrt z|~$&(*,8:DFPR$&(*,8:DFPR *,PRTϾϾϾϾϾϾϾϾϾϾ hbhhCJOJQJ^JaJhbhhCJaJ$hbhhCJOJPJQJ^JaJhbhh5aJhbhhaJK z|~uuuuu d$Ifgd!}kdi/$$IfTl&  t 0644 lap ythT$&* d$Ifgd!kd0$$IfTlTr U&B@@? t0644 lap2ythT&(*P d$Ifgd!PR* d$Ifgd!kd1$$IfTlTr U&B@@? t0644 lap2ythT d$Ifgd!$&* d$Ifgd!kd1$$IfTlTr U&B@@? t0644 lap2ythT&(*P d$Ifgd!PR* d$Ifgd!kd2$$IfTlTr U&B@@? t0644 lap2ythT d$Ifgd!* d$Ifgd!kd3$$IfTlTr U&B@@? t0644 lap2ythT* d$Ifgd!*,PR* d$Ifgd!kd4$$IfTlTr U&B@@? t0644 lap2ythTRTVXZ\fFf9dgdhFf6 d$Ifgd! 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Explain why you need each item and for what it will be used. RESEARCHTRAVEL Explain the travel departure point and destination, the number of trips required (and why) and the purpose of the travel. Include an estimate of the travel costs. RESEARCH TRAINING Candidates may require funding to undertake research training, e.g. specialist courses. Do not include the costs of attending coursework and workshops at °ϲʹ unless these activities are expected to incur specific charges. Attending conferences is a valuable part of research training. Doctoral Candidates can expect to be funded by °ϲʹ to attend one major conference external to their home city during their candidature. ItemBudget JustificationLabour CostsOperating CostsEquipment CostsTravel CostsResearch Training CostsConference CostsOtherFor AIMS@°ϲʹ Candidates OnlyPlease provide a breakdown of costs for all resources provided by AIMS eg cost and hours of SEASIM, research vessel use etc.      PAGE  PAGE 5 Updated 26 May 2023 ,,",7,|| $Ifgd!ykdE$$Ifl&'  t 0644 lap yt!7,8,E,F,g^^ $Ifgd!kdE$$Ifl0a &   t0644 lapyt!F,G,W,X,vmm $Ifgd!kdoF$$Ifl0a &  t0644 lapyt!X,Y,i,j,vmm $Ifgd!kd G$$Ifl0a &  t0644 lapyt!j,k,x,y,vmm $Ifgd!kdG$$Ifl0a &  t0644 lapyt!y,z,,,vmm $Ifgd!kdIH$$Ifl0a &  t0644 lapyt!,,,,vmm $Ifgd!kdH$$Ifl0a &  t0644 lapyt!,,,,vmm $Ifgd!kdI$$Ifl0a &  t0644 lapyt!,,,,vmm $Ifgd!kd#J$$Ifl0a &  t0644 lapyt!,,,L-M-N-O-P-vjaaaaa $Ifgd! $$Ifa$gdn$kdJ$$Ifl0a &  t0644 lapyt!L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z-[-\-]-^-_-`-a-b-c-i-j-k-l-m-n-t-u-v-w-x--------̷ƯheYhjCJaJhICJaJhn$CJaJheYCJaJhw;0JmHnHuhj hj0Jjhj0JUh jh U hhhhbhh5aJhbhh5PJaJ)P-Q-R-T-U-W-X-Y-Z-\-]-_-`-vqoooojooooodgdkd_K$$Ifl0a &  t0644 lapyt! `-a-b-k-l-m-x-----gd $h]ha$gdeYh]hgd+ &`#$gd+ d = 0&P 1:p+ BP. 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